Poem: The Peanut-Buttered Bread
I let the last slice stay in the pan while
the others were ready on the plate
It made it hard and crunchy
Like bread is supposed to be
I took a peanut butter from the shelve and went with my plate
Sat and spread on that crunchy toast
And it eyed me expectantly but I stopped
My mind was elsewhere and ideas came
And I took out my phone and started to type
Fingers flying while the bread sat with its peanut buttered face
Expectantly and ready for me to dive into
But I wrote I don't know for how long
And when I finished the bread was soft
The crunch was gone as I chewed
And I sighed in disappointment
And smiled at the words I read
the others were ready on the plate
It made it hard and crunchy
Like bread is supposed to be
I took a peanut butter from the shelve and went with my plate
Sat and spread on that crunchy toast
And it eyed me expectantly but I stopped
My mind was elsewhere and ideas came
And I took out my phone and started to type
Fingers flying while the bread sat with its peanut buttered face
Expectantly and ready for me to dive into
But I wrote I don't know for how long
And when I finished the bread was soft
The crunch was gone as I chewed
And I sighed in disappointment
And smiled at the words I read
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