God does not exist! (kinda)
Yes, God does not exist. This statement is correct. Well, not in the way we use the word 'exists' though. Whenever we say God exists, we are thinking as if he came into being.
What does 'to come into being' mean? For example,
take you and me. We are humans, but we didn't just pop into existence. We came from our parents and our parents from their parents and so on and on. Another example, a pencil or a table. It didn't come premade even if you bought it from the store. Some craftsman or some machine put together the wood. Now the wood also came from a tree. The craftsman, again, from parents. The tree came from an acorn, that acorn from another tree and so on and on.
take you and me. We are humans, but we didn't just pop into existence. We came from our parents and our parents from their parents and so on and on. Another example, a pencil or a table. It didn't come premade even if you bought it from the store. Some craftsman or some machine put together the wood. Now the wood also came from a tree. The craftsman, again, from parents. The tree came from an acorn, that acorn from another tree and so on and on.
So it seems like everything depends on another thing. Everything which exists seems to have been caused by something which was there before it existed. A novel came from a writer, a painting from an artist.
By this logic, if we take a thing that exists, and from there, if we keep going back, then it would appear to go on for ad infinitum. An infinite regression.
However, that is not true, because sooner or later, we come to the universe. And the universe did have a beginning, meaning there was the first cause, and this first cause must be the progenitor of everything which came after it without having its own cause.
What was the first cause? It can't be something that exists cause it would mean that it came from something before it. Therefore, logically, it can only be something that does not exist which was the first cause of everything up till now.
Well, that does not make sense. Unless you are a theist or Aristotle.
Aristotle had thought of it ages ago. It is his Unmoved Mover argument. Picture a stack of dominos all lined up as the universe in potential (the universe being able to come into existence). Now, if you want to get it started, the first domino must fall, and the domino won't fall by itself. If we keep waiting for it to fall, then we would be waiting for eternity (or no time at all cause the concept of time didn't exist pre-universe).
Therefore, something must bring our universe into existence. That must be you. The first cause which started it all. You are God (metaphorically). Nobody brought you to do it, nobody caused you to do it, except yourself. You are your own cause.
By a little poke of your finger, you started a chain reaction and began space, and time, and matter, and life. You are the Unmoved Mover.
There you have it, folks. God does not exist. God always was, always is, and always will be.
As Thomas Aquinas would say: ipsum esse. Being itself.
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